5 Ways to Prevent a Car Break-in
Each year, over $1 billion in personal items are stolen from vehicles across the United States. Experts estimate that for each successful theft that takes place, there are several break-in attempts that leave behind hundreds, possibly thousands of dollars in damage. Vehicle break-ins can happen at any time, anywhere, which makes it so important to keep your vehicle from becoming a tempting target.
Most vehicle break-ins occur when thieves spot a valuable item such as a cell phone or a music player lying out in the open. Most break-ins are considered “crimes of opportunity,” as it only takes a few seconds for a thief to smash a window and grab an item. The damage left behind often costs more to fix than the worth of the items stolen.
Here are five ways you can reduce the likelihood of a break-in happening to you:
Keep your items well-hidden – Items that are left out in the open are a tempting target for thieves. Any valuables left in your vehicle should be kept in places where they won’t be seen by a casual passerby.
Hide before you park – If you have to hide a valuable item, make sure you do it before you park so others won’t get a glimpse of your hiding spot.
Visibility is your friend – Keeping your vehicle in a brightly lit and heavily trafficked area will deter most thieves, since there is a higher chance of someone seeing and reporting a crime in progress.
Install an alarm – If your vehicle doesn’t offer a factory alarm system, consider investing in a high-quality aftermarket alarm. In most cases, the noise from an alarm system is enough to scare away a thief and thwart a potential break-in.
Keep your doors locked and windows closed – An unlocked door or an open window might as well be an open invitation to any thief. Make sure your windows are closed and your doors locked before leaving your vehicle.