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Towing a Load Safely

Category: Our Blog

When you have been away on a vacation for a significant period of time, chances are you will be pretty loaded down with luggage. If you are towing a trailer or caravan, it is essential for your safety and to help reduce the risk of having an accident or a car insurance claim.

Don’t Drive Recklessly or Carelessly

Category: Our Blog

Your driving record is a primary factor in determining how much you pay
for your car insurance policy. There are other factors, like your age,
where you live and the type of car you drive but they may not be within
your control to change. You are, however, in charge of your driving

SR22 Insurance in South Carolina

Category: Our Blog

Driving is a big responsibility. When you are behind the wheel, you are
not only responsible for your own safety but that of your passengers and
other road users including pedestrians. In addition to the numerous
risks to your personal safety and that of others, dangerous driving
often comes at a price, including hefty fines and increased car
insurance costs. In South Carolina, in the event that you have been
convicted of an offense such as DUI or driving without car insurance,
you may also have to file a form for SR22 insurance.

Dealing with Potholes in South Carolina

Category: Our Blog

Potholes are a common sight on our roads and they can potentially be
dangerous and cause an accident and a claim on your car insurance. With
summer traditionally being the time when many people take to the roads,
it is a good idea to be aware of the steps you can take to help avoid an
encounter with a pothole damaging your vehicle or causing a nasty

Make the Most of Small Living Spaces

Category: Our Blog

Apartment living is an affordable and convenient option for many people,
especially those who live in cities. Apartments come in all shapes and
sizes, many are large and luxurious and others are smaller and less
spacious. In the event that your apartment is on the cozy side there are
a few things you can do to help give you the feeling of having more
space without having to spend a fortune
or undertake major renovations. Don’t forget to make sure anything you
purchase is covered on your home or renters insurance in South Carolina.

Driving Safely Around Construction Zones

Category: Our Blog

Summer is a popular time for fixing those niggling little maintenance
problems and our highways are no exception. The combination of heavier
traffic due to vacationers and the increased frequency of road
construction, can lead to higher rates of collisions, not to mention
frustration on the part of drivers. Stay safe when driving around
construction zones, and help reduce the risk of needing to claim on your
South Carolina car insurance by taking a few extra precautions.

How to Change Lanes Safely

Category: Our Blog

Changing lanes is a regular maneuver, whether you are driving in a city
or a more rural area, but it is one that can end in a collision and a South Carolina car insurance
claim if you are not careful. Learning to change lanes safely could
make a big difference to the safety of your vehicle, and other people on
the road, and could potentially save you a lot of money and stress.

South Carolina Car Crashes: Still Too Many Fatalities in 2012

Category: Our Blog

Do we develop a false sense of security as we become more experienced
drivers? Most drivers seem to be relatively safety conscious. We duly
take out our South Carolina car insurance. Most of us wear seat
belts. We do our best to stay on the right side of the SC Highway Patrol
and yet, fatalities are still a regular occurrence. In fact, according
to the SC Department of Public Safety, year to date road fatalities had reached 372 as at 17 June 2012: slightly higher than at the same time last year.

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